Ryan Milkovits

Welcome to my Personal Website!
As an entrepeneur and UCSD alumni, I am extremely driven to apply my Computer Science degree and other skills to positively impact the world. At UCSD, I was employed as an Undergraduate Researcher at San Diego Supercomputer Center and as the Head Teacher's Assistant for two UCSD undergraduate courses. I also served as Vice President of the UCSD Chess Club and founded the Drone Club at UCSD. After obtaining my undergraduate degree and graduate school acceptance letter, I dropped out of graduate school to pursue my entrepeneurial ideas full time. Please contact me if you are interested in investing in the company which is developing my patent pending device, which will certainly save lives and should generate you a great return on your investment!


My name is Ryan Milkovits and I am currently looking for funding for my business. I am hard working, logical, and very passionate about my business and my patent pending device. Check out my resume below to find out more!
Click on either the styled or plain text resume to download a copy.


See some of my current and completed projects

Punctual Android Screenshot

Punctual Android App

An Android mobile application on the Google Play Store which helped users have fun while staying on track

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Chess Tournament in SD

Chess Club at UCSD

While serving as Vice President of the club, I helped organize and run bracketed chess tournaments at UCSD which featured prizes for the top 3 scoring competitors. I also coordinated with the UCSD Associated Students to cover each club member's admission fees for the Dreaming King Open, which was our first school-sponsored tournament where we travelled and competed together as a team.

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This is a placeholder for future projects and will be updated later on

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This is a placeholder for future projects and will be updated later on

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This is a placeholder for future projects and will be updated later on

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This is a placeholder for future projects and will be updated later on

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Feel free to contact me on any of the following accounts